Friday, 1 August 2008

#56. DOWNWARD TO THE EARTH By Robert Silverberg

Published : 1977
Pages : 213
Overall Mark : 8/10

The planet Belzagor is predominantly jungle, governed by the elephant-like alien nildoror and the bi-pedal sulidoror. Gundersen was last on Belzagor when it was the colonial planet Holman's World and he was an administrator. He has returned to meet old friends, his former lover Seena and the enigmatic Kurtz. Yet Gundersen is driven by an old guilt from long ago...

Born in 1935, Robert Silverberg published his first novel age 20. He has for more than forty years been one of the most prolific, popular and critically acclaimed SF writers, nominated for more awards in the field than any other writer. His many novels include the Nebula Award-winning A Time Of Changes, Thorns and Roma Eterna. He lives in California.

This sci-fi story about colonialism is both effective and thought provoking, filled with some great visual ideas and some warnings about treating those unknown to us as second class. Silverberg expertly manages to convey his ideas in a relatively small space of time, and what he creates is intriguing and definitely worthy of debate.