Pages : 199
Overall Mark : 8/10
David Selig's life is not impressive: he has no job and no meaningful relationship. And yet, Selig has the power of a god, for he can read other people's minds. Although it has been a mixed blessing, this extraordinary ability defines his sense of self. But now, with the onset of middle age, his capacity to probe minds is fading and Selig is struggling to come to terms with the knowledge that he is dying inside...
Robert Silverberg published his first novel at the age of 20. For more than forty-five years he has been one of the most prolific, popular and critically acclaimed SF writers, nominated for more awards in the field than any other writer. His many novels include Downward To The Earth, Thorns, The Book Of Skulls and Roma Eterna.
This novel takes the gift of telepathy and grants it unto a lazy, greedy man. The concept itself is funny, but the ways in which Silverberg shows the lead character serves his own needs is fascinating and eventually becomes quite dark. The protagonists gradual loss of his power shows how much he has come to rely on it, and displays him as a worthless individual with no skills other than those granted him at birth. A solid morality tale which is as relevant today as it was in the 70s.