Pages : 303
Overall Mark : 8/10
The city is winched along its tracks through a devastated world. Rails must be laid ahead of it and removed in its wake. If the city does not move, it will fall behind the 'optimum' and into a crushing gravitational field. The alternative to progress is death.
The rulers of the city make sure its inhabitants know nothing of this. But the dwindling population is growing restive. And the rulers know that the city is falling further and further behind.
In a career spanning 40 years Priest has won the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the World Fantasy Award and the James Tait Memorial Award and become on of the UK's most critically acclaimed author. Inverted World was published in 1974 and was his third novel.
This sounds like a really boring idea; a mobile city that has to keep moving or suffer destruction? What could you possibly write about that would fill up over 300 pages? Thankfully Priest makes this a suspenseful tale that is peppered with mystery and moments where we really feel for the characters who have their beliefs challenged at every turn.